Vertex Benefits:

1) Vertex is a combination of micronutrients specified by Maharashtra State Government as Grade Il

2) Micronutrient availability is dependentonsoiland environmentalfactors.

3) Vertex provides 6 vital micronutrients like ferrous (as Fe), manganese (as Mn), zinc (as Zn), copper (as Cu), boron (as B), and molybdenum (as Mo).

4) Vertex application at different stages of crop development makes crop healthy and robust.

5) It minimizes flower dropandmaximize yield.


Foliar Application Micronutrient + MH Grad-ll


Cotton, Soybean, Sugarcane, Banana, Grape, Tomato, Pomegranate, Kalingad etc. and all vegetable pulse crops.


Foliar Application: 1 gm to 1.25 gm per liter of water.
Drip Fertigation: 1 kg per acre.

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