7/12 Benefits:

1) By using 7/12 the energy used in unnecessary growth in crops is used for flower retention, fruit retention in crops.

2) Also prevents flower drop and fruit drop by increasing the number of female flowers.

3) Helps to sustain the crop even in low-to-no rainfall or low-to-no temperature.

4) Helps absorption of nutrients from the soil and replenishes nutrient deficiencies.

5) For overall crop development and abundant yield we need to spray 7/12 this producer 2 times at 5 days interval at the rate of 5-6 ml per 15 liters of water.

6) All the hormones (organisms) required in the life cycle of the crops are combined into a perfect product.

7) Helps to give high yield. It helps to increase the quality and luster of crops. Produces good copies.



Cotton, Soybean, Sugarcane, Banana, Grape, Tomato, Pomegranate, Kalingad etc. and all vegetable pulse crops.


For spray: 0.4 ml per liter of water,
From drip: cash crops 250 ml/acre,
Field crop 100 ml/acre

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