HUMAX Benefits:

1) (Fulvic Humate 98%) Excellent Solubility inwater - 98% Water soluble Help to Increase Nutrient uptake by plantroots

2) Increases Whiterootsandhelp to develop Healthy crop.

3) It is natural soil conditioner which helps to hold more nutrients in root zone which can be taken up by plant roots.

4) Humic acid is a high active soil conditioner improves the soil structure to increase its water holding capability.

5) Increases the cation Exchange capacity of soil, results in more availability of nutrientsapplied in soil.


Natural N: 5%, P202: 5%, K20: 10%, Lignins: 5%, Brassinolide: 0.1%

Super Potassium Humate-98% 1kg/Acre


Cotton, Soybean, Sugarcane, Banana, Grape, Tomato, Pomegranate, Kalingad etc. and all vegetable pulse crops.


Through Drip irrigation or soil application: 1kg/acre,
repeat use 2-3 times at 25-30 days interval during one crop cycle,
Foliar application 2.5 gm per lit of water

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